Is Raw Meat Halal?

Many cultures consider raw meat, which has not been cooked or processed, a staple in their diets. While many people consume raw meat. But those who follow Islamic law may wonder whether eating raw meat is haram or halal.

When we slaughter an animal according to Islamic law, the meat is considered halal. However, raw meat raises other concerns about its halal or haram status.

If you’re wondering, “Is raw meat halal in Islam?” you’ve come to the right place. This article will cover the basics of Islamic law on eating raw meat. It will answer your question clearly.

Is Raw Meat Halal?

Is raw meat halal?

Raw meat is considered halal if there are no other food options available. Scholars generally advise against eating raw meat. It can be unsafe due to improper preparation.

Islam values human health and safety. So, it is best to cook or process meat before eating it.

Also, both raw and cooked meat are allowed. But, the animal must be slaughtered according to Islamic laws.

The Islamic slaughter, known as Dhabīḥah or Zabiha, involves a swift cut of the jugular veins and windpipe with a sharp knife. This method ensures the animal is killed instantly. It makes the meat halal for consumption.

If you can confirm that the animal was slaughtered according to Islamic laws, then raw meat from it is halal. This is especially true if no other food options are available. However, consuming raw meat for leisure or entertainment purposes is considered haram. It it may cause unnecessary harm to both yourself and the animal.

Why Avoid Eating Raw Meat?

As mentioned earlier, it is advisable to avoid consuming raw meat whenever possible. Islamic scholars generally discourage eating raw meat. This applies even if the animal was slaughtered according to Islamic laws. It is allowed only if it is the only option.

From a health perspective, consuming raw meat is not considered a safe practice. Raw meat can harbor bacteria and parasites. They pose health risks.

Raw meat can cause foodborne illnesses, like salmonella and E. coli. These can have serious health effects.

For these reasons, it’s best to cook the meat before eating it. This ensures safety and reduces the risk of illness.

Lastly, in Islam, it is not allowed to harm yourself for fun.

Is raw fish halal?

Many Muslims wonder whether raw fish is halal. It depends on where the fish was caught and how it was prepared.

All seafood is halal, except for these categories:

  • It is a predatory animal with fangs or claws, such as sharks and alligators.
  • It is a bottom feeder, meaning it feeds on waste and impurities from the ocean floor.
  • It has died due to natural causes or has been found dead in the ocean.
  • It is caught using forbidden methods, such as electrocution or dynamite.

Raw fish is allowed only if it is vital for survival in tough situations, and cooking it is impossible.

The most consumed raw fish among Muslims is sushi, which originated in Japan. Sushi typically has raw fish, rice, seaweed, and toppings like veggies and sauces. While the seaweed and vegetables are generally halal, the main concern is the raw fish.

For raw fish to be considered halal, it must meet specific criteria:

  • First, the fish must belong to a species allowed under Islamic dietary laws. This excludes predatory or bottom-feeding fish, as mentioned above.
  • Secondly, the fish must be caught using halal methods, such as hook and line, and it must be alive at the time of capture. The fish should also be properly slaughtered according to Islamic guidelines.
  • Lastly, The type of raw fish used in sushi also plays a crucial role. Some scholars say that eel and octopus may not be halal. Their texture is like that of pork. In such cases, Muslims should avoid consuming these types of sushi.

By adhering to these guidelines, Muslims can ensure that the raw fish they consume is halal.

Who Should Eat Raw Meat?

Consuming raw meat is not recommended. It poses health risks, especially to those with weak immune systems and to pregnant women. These groups are more prone to foodborne illnesses from raw or undercooked meat.

However, in some cases, it is not haram to eat raw meat. Let’s explore who can consume raw meat and under what circumstances:

Emergency Situations

If no other food is available and you can’t cook, eating raw meat may be your only option for survival. This matters in places where food is scarce and only raw meat is available.

Survival Scenarios

In a survival situation, such as being stranded, eating raw meat may be necessary to survive. In such cases, the priority is to preserve life, and Islamic law allows for exceptions.

Cultural or Traditional Practices

In some cultures, consuming raw meat is a traditional practice. While this may be permissible under Islamic law if the meat is halal. It is still best to source, handle, and prepare the meat to minimize health risks.

Health Conditions

In rare cases, some people may be advised to eat raw meat for health reasons. However, we should approach this with caution. It should be done under the guidance of both medical and religious authorities.

It is important to say that, while raw meat may be okay in some cases, it is usually safer and healthier to cook it before eating. It reduces the risk of foodborne sickness. It also follows Islamic principles to protect one’s health.

Also read Are oysters halal in Islam?


Is raw meat halal in Islam?

Yes, Muslims consider raw meat halal if the animal is slaughtered per Islamic guidelines (Dhabīḥah or Zabiha).

Is it permissible to eat raw meat if it’s halal?

It is generally best to cook meat to avoid health risks. But, if there is no other food, it may be okay to eat it raw.

Are there any health concerns related to eating raw meat?

Yes, eating raw meat can be risky. It may cause foodborne illnesses, like infections from E. coli and salmonella.

Is it haram to eat raw meat for enjoyment or entertainment?

Eating raw meat for fun is discouraged. It poses health risks, which Islam forbids.

Can athletes or those on special diets consume raw meat?

Athletes or individuals following specific diets may consume raw meat. But it must be sourced from animals slaughtered according to Islamic laws.

Is raw fish considered halal?

Raw fish can be halal. It must come from a species allowed in Islam. It must be sourced and prepared per halal guidelines.

Does raw meat need to be slaughtered in a specific way to be halal?

Yes, for raw meat to be halal, the animal must be slaughtered in accordance with Islamic law,. Which includes cutting the jugular veins and windpipe with a sharp knife.

Can Muslims consume raw meat in emergency situations?

Yes, if no other food is available and you can’t cook, you may eat raw meat.

What types of raw meat are considered halal?

Any meat can be halal if it comes from a permissible animal. It must be slaughtered according to Islamic laws.

Is it safer to avoid raw meat even if it’s halal?

Yes, it is safer to avoid raw meat. It reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses. This aligns with Islamic principles that emphasize health and safety.


In conclusion, raw meat is halal only if it is from an animal slaughtered according to Islamic law and if no other food is available.

Islam generally does not recommend eating raw meat. It poses health risks and goes against the emphasis on safety. Islam prioritizes human health. So, it is best to cook or process meat before eating it. This reduces harm and ensures safety.

We hope this article has helped. It should answer your question: Is raw meat halal or haram?

May Allah (SWT) guide us all to the right path. Ameen.

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Assalamualaikum! My name is Ali Hassan, and I’m the founder of We are a team of 3, made up of myself and 2 other dedicated Islamic intellectuals. Our mission is to bring knowledge of authentic Islamic teachings based on the Quran and hadith (with proof) to a wider audience through our website.

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