Why Are Tattoos Haram but Not Piercings?

Do you wonder why Islam forbids tattoos but allows piercings? This article will explain why tattoos are haram, but piercings are not.

In Islam, both tattoos and piercings fall under the category of body modification or art. But Islamic teachings offer a different interpretation of them. Tattooing is haram (prohibited). But someone can use a needle for decorative skin-piercing.

Many Muslims may not understand why Islam bans tattoos. Let’s explore the Islamic viewpoint on both tattoos and piercings.

Piercings and Tattoos

Why Are Tattoos Haram but Not Piercings

There are many reasons why tattoos are haram in Islam, while piercings are not.

Tattoos involve making a permanent mark on the body. In Islam, it is not allowed to alter the body’s natural form. Tattoos are in this category. They are permanent and change a person’s appearance.

The Qur’an, in verse 4:119, says: “Do not make any change in Allah’s creation.” This verse states that Allah created humans in a specific way. It is wrong to alter that creation.

Secondly, tattoos may carry spiritual implications. They can, in some cases, link to acts of idolatry. They might symbolize devotion to idols or false gods, which are not allowed in Islam.

Thirdly, tattoos can interfere with wudu (ablution), which is essential for prayer. The tattooed area might block water from reaching the skin. This would make the ablution incomplete. Without proper wudu, a Muslim cannot pray.

Additionally, the process of getting a tattoo involves inflicting pain on oneself. Islam discourages self-harm. It urges Muslims to care for their bodies and avoid pain.

Lastly, tattoos can pose health risks. Infections can occur from the needles piercing the skin. Islam places significant importance on maintaining good health and well-being.

On the other hand, piercings, unlike tattoos, are generally not considered haram. Let’s explore why piercings are permissible.

You can also read Is Kissing Halal or Haram in Islam?

Why are piercings Halal?

Before understanding why piercings are not haram, we must know a few key points.

Not all types of piercings are halal. Only ear and nose piercings are permissible. While other body piercings are generally not allowed.

Additionally, ear and nose piercings are permissible for women only. Islamic law permits women to have these piercings. They are acceptable forms of adornment, whereas such practices prohibit men.

Unlike tattoos, piercings do not involve permanent alterations to the body. They can be easily removed if desired and do not cause any irreversible changes.

Also, nose and ear piercings date back to the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). These piercings are a way to beautify. They enhance appearance without much alteration of the body, unlike tattoos.

Lastly, piercings generally cause less pain than tattoos. They are halal since they cause less harm. Tattoos are haram.

Islamic view about Body Piercing

The Islamic perspective on body piercings differs based on the type of piercing.

Nose and ear piercings are halal for women. They have been practiced since the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). These types of piercings are viewed as safe and a way to enhance a woman’s beauty without causing harm.

But other piercings, like septum, belly button, and tongue piercings, are haram in Islam. These piercings are seen as risky to health. They may be viewed as excessive or vain, which goes against Islamic principles.


Q. What are Quran’s teachings about Tattoos and Piercings?

A: The Qur’an does not explicitly mention tattoos or piercings. Tattoos are generally considered haram (forbidden) in Islam. This is based on verse 4:119, which advises against altering Allah’s creation. Nose and ear piercings for women are generally considered halal.

Q. Where in the Quran does it say tattoos are haram?

A: There is no specific verse in the Quran that declares tattoos haram. However, several verses emphasize not altering Allah’s creation. Which serves as the foundation for the prohibition of tattoos.

Q. Why Tattoos are Haram in Islam?

A: Islam forbids tattoos. They alter the body in a way that disrespects Allah’s creation.


In conclusion, Islam allows women’s nose and ear piercings. But, they have banned tattoos. Tattoos permanently change the body, and Islamic teachings view this as disrespectful.

Tattoos also carry spiritual implications and involve a degree of pain and suffering. Piercings can enhance beauty. They pose few health risks and cause no lasting harm.

I hope this answers your question. Tattoos are banned, but piercings are allowed. If you still have any doubts, feel free to ask in the comments.

May Allah guide us all on the right path. Ameen.

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Assalamualaikum! My name is Ali Hassan, and I’m the founder of HalalDecision.com. We are a team of 3, made up of myself and 2 other dedicated Islamic intellectuals. Our mission is to bring knowledge of authentic Islamic teachings based on the Quran and hadith (with proof) to a wider audience through our website.

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